Hvala ti,ovaj model sam prodao a mogao bi ti napravit nešto u tom stilu po naruđbi. Cijena bi bila više manje oko 100 Eura zavisi o dijelovima i kolko je zahtjevno za izvest.
i would really like to obtain some pieces of your work - don't have to be the prototypes though. For example this watch - i know you are brilliant artist - but even artists need food and stuff - so how much would you charge if you made one of these for me? Please think about it
3 komentara:
super je!
gdje se to moze kupiti?
i dal se to opste moze kupit? :D
Hvala ti,ovaj model sam prodao a
mogao bi ti napravit nešto
u tom stilu po naruđbi.
Cijena bi bila više manje oko
100 Eura zavisi o dijelovima
i kolko je zahtjevno za izvest.
Hi sir!
Your work is incredible!
i would really like to obtain some pieces of your work - don't have to be the prototypes though.
For example this watch - i know you are brilliant artist - but even artists need food and stuff - so how much would you charge if you made one of these for me? Please think about it
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