subota, 27. ožujka 2010.


Multifunctional pen gadget made of brass ,coper,
steel, wood, leather, fork, knife, spoon, lighter, usb stick, watch, lamp, screwdriver, pipe,toothbrush,shaweing blade, nail clipper, two
extra mines.

Safe for all ages, in the case of various extreme situations with this pencil
you can save your life and others so it is always good to carry with you , can be used for scaring thieves and thugs and resolving various life situations on funny way.


If you have some fine tobacco you can light the peace pipe and chill out, ore if you dont smoke this pipe can be used for store some fishing string ore something else.
The blades fore shaving are easy to replace weath new ones from original set.


various possibilities of cutlery separately or in similar combinations, depending on the occasion or need.


This are some of the objects that can be useful
while going on some trip or tracking and you
can hawe them all in one package:
spoon, fork, knife, watch, screwdriver, shaving blade, toothbrush, lamp, extra mines, lighter, usb stick, pipe, nail clippers, cros ore some oather medicine fore good luck.


While makeing this pen mechanizm some new ideas come that it is possible to attach some oather elements on top of the pen and make it more multifunctional gadget.
At first it look like wasting of mind and time and
after some time I had wholl bunch of items on desk.

utorak, 2. ožujka 2010.